U3A Local History
Started in July 2017 after people who became members had attended Kirklees Local Studies Library during the May Local History Week and put on a small display of historic objects in the Library drawn from the Skelmanthorpe Textile Heritage Centre.
We agreed that the purpose of the group was to explore the history of the locality, characterized by the hand-loom weaving fancy trade, across a series of topics which the group felt important:
- Religion
- Textile history
- Education
- Place names and locality
- Traditions
- Village growth and development
- Industry, railways and mining
- Social history and housing
- Public health, poverty and workhouses, etc.
- Radical politics in Skelmanthorpe and area
The aim has become to produce a series of packs summarising historic research on these themes which could be available in the library for others to consult.
By December 2018, the group has produced the following packs:
- Textile history
- Religion
- Education
- Railway history
- Mining
- Living Conditions
Dee Roberts
Group Leader
Email: deeblacksheep1@gmail.com
To visit the Skelmanthorpe and District U3A page click here
To view the Education Research section click here
To view the U3A Mining section click here
To view the Railways section click here
To view the Influence of Religion section click here
To view the U3A Textile Pack click here
To view Living Conditions, 1830 - 1914, click here
Illustration of Local Skelmanthorpe Shops, 1950's & 60's: